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Interview der Woche - Länderbewerb

Im Rahmen des Länderbewerbs stellen wir jede Woche einen Länderteamchef vor, bezogen auf aktuelle Geschehnisse und anderen Dingen! Viel Spaß beim durchlesen.

Heute und in Englisch: Grizzly aus England!


Hello Grizzly!
How is it going in your teamchef-world? Everything fine?

Yeah everything`s allright. I´m happy with my performance in the country-competition and I also reached my goals in the premier league and the cup.

Your team is no longer on the last place in the competition, a success?

That was the main target. And now I´m really happy to reach it. With a little bit more luck I could have achieved more, but in the end I´m satisfied with accomplishing my goal.

How much can we expect from the english team in the future? Everyone talks about this young and hopeful guys!

Thats a good question. Our team is getting better and better. But we have a backlong in tactics, skills and the most in experience. Only the future will show whether we will really catch up with the top teams.

Is it an advantage that you can build a team without pressure and expactations?

In my opinion thats a huge advantage. At the beginning I tested a lot and I very often changed my tactics, formation, schedule and a few other things. There was no pressure of beeing removed. So I tried as long as I found a appropriate schedule and tactic.

Would you like to change something in England?

A better fanbase would help. But I know thats impossible.

At least, pick this aspects in a row and do a comment for your choice!
(A-Skills, Allskills, Taks, experience, condition, fitness, system, opponent)

Taks, A-Skills, Experience, All-Skills, Opponent, System, Condition, Fitness.


Thank you for your time and the nice interview!