Yeah everything`s allright. I´m happy with my performance in the country-competition and I also reached my goals in the premier league and the cup.
That was the main target. And now I´m really happy to reach it. With a little bit more luck I could have achieved more, but in the end I´m satisfied with accomplishing my goal.
Thats a good question. Our team is getting better and better. But we have a backlong in tactics, skills and the most in experience. Only the future will show whether we will really catch up with the top teams.
In my opinion thats a huge advantage. At the beginning I tested a lot and I very often changed my tactics, formation, schedule and a few other things. There was no pressure of beeing removed. So I tried as long as I found a appropriate schedule and tactic.
A better fanbase would help. But I know thats impossible.
Taks, A-Skills, Experience, All-Skills, Opponent, System, Condition, Fitness.